Saturday, June 21, 2008

What to do?

I was asked yesterday if I was willing to go to Central Asia instead of Africa. First I was like what the heck what countries are those? LOL! The countries that these consist of are Kazakistan (sp?) Turkmenistan, Azerbajian, etc...pretty much the stan countries. I don't know what to do or think because that was the one place I was not sure about going to, but I believe that I may have gotten a placement/invitation there today. I guess it doesn't matter where I go as long as I get to serve and have the experience but I was so excited about seeing and being in Africa again. Any ideas? I will let everyone know when I know more details but keep this in your prayers! O' and i would leave the 18th of August.

Also I am in Charleston, West Virginia this week and the staff here is awesome! Its weird floating around but I kind of like it and I get to experience many different sites and places. Wish me luck! God Bless and miss you all!

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